Trademark Registration

Secure your brand’s identity and protect it from infringement by applying for trademark registration online.
Uniqfiling ensures you the Hassel Free Online Process! Fill out the registration form & start the process today.

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About this Plan

Our trademark registration online service provides a simple and efficient way to protect your brand identity. Our experienced team ensures a hassle-free process and timely completion of registration.



Documents needed

How to Register

An Overview

Trademark registration in India protects a brand’s unique identity. The Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks oversees this. It covers a company’s logo, tagline, or name. The process includes applying to the Trademarks Registry, checking uniqueness, and publishing in the Trademarks Journal. If unopposed, the trademark is registered. This gives ten years of protection, which can be renewed. This secures the brand’s value and recognition.


  1. Legal Protection:
    Trademark registration provides legal protection against unauthorized use of your brand by others.
  2. Brand Recognition:
    Trademarks help build brand recognition and consumer trust in your products/services.
  3. Competitive Edge:
    Registered trademarks give you a competitive edge in the marketplace and distinguish you from your competitors.
  4. Asset Value:
    A trademark can increase in value over time and can be sold or licensed, generating revenue for your business.
  5. Online Presence:
    Trademark registration can help improve your online presence by preventing others from using your brand in domain names and social media handles.

Documents needed

Initially, you have to provide us with the following details:
  • Applicant’s name
  • Business type
  • Business objectives
  • Brand/logo/slogan name
  • Registration address
The documents required are:
  • Signed Form-48
  • Identification proof of the signatory
  • Address proof of the signatory
  • Business proof (depends on the type of business)
  • Udyog Aadhar/MSME registration certificate (optional).

How It's Done

  • Select Package
    Your journey starts with the package selection. Our team of professionals is here to assist you & solve your doubts accordingly.
  • Trademark search
    We will do a Trademark search on your behalf to ensure the smooth run of the process.
  • Documents
    We will help you fill out the Trademark questionnaire and get your documents arranged.
  • Power of attorney
    We will perform all the legal work which is uploading the address and brand name and getting the user’s signature on the stamp paper.
  • TM form application
    We will apply on your behalf and share the report.
  • Checking
    We will conduct a thorough check and publish it In The trademark general.
  • Beginning
    You can begin using the trademarked property if there are no objections filed within 90 days of Publication.
  • Application status
    We will ensure to give you updates about the application status.
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