Private Limited Company

Start building a secure future for your business by opting for Private Limited Company registration. It’s a trusted and popular method to establish a distinct legal entity. Take the first step today!

No more delays or difficulties! Register your business with India’s #1 provider of company incorporation services.

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About this Plan

Easily establish a separate legal entity for your business and protect personal assets with our hassle-free Private Limited Company registration service.



Documents needed

How to Register

An Overview

We offer a comprehensive service for registering private limited companies, a popular form of business entity. Our goal is to streamline the registration process, ensuring compliance and efficiency. Our experienced team provides guidance throughout, ensuring successful registration and legal operation in your chosen jurisdiction.


  • Legal Protection: Registering as a Private Limited Company provides legal protection, separating personal assets from business liabilities.
  • Limited Liability: Shareholders’ liability is limited to their investment, safeguarding personal assets in case of business debts or losses.
  • Enhanced Credibility: A registered Private Limited Company often instills confidence and trust among customers, suppliers, and potential partners.
  • Access to Funding: Registration opens doors to various funding options, such as bank loans, venture capital, and angel investments.
  • Perpetual Existence: The company continues to exist even if the ownership or management changes, ensuring continuity and stability.

Documents needed

•    PAN of the company
•    Other Identity Proof like Aadhar Card/ Passport / Driving License / Voter Identity Card 
•    List of directors (Minimum 2 members who are not minors or more) 
•    Board Resolution
•    Identity proof of directors
•    Address proof of directors
•    A minimum Share Capital of Rs 100,000

Additional Documents
•    No-Objection letter by the owner of the address company is using 
•    Supporting documents to be signed by the owner to verify the address like Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill / Gas Bill / Water Bill

How It's Done

Our Online services have end-to-end online fulfilment provided by our professional. It’s very simple, completely digital, and available for all 365 days.

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